Between Palm Sunday, where we celebrate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, and Easter, when we celebrate his resurrection, we have Holy Week. Holy Week is when remember what happened between those two celebrations: the Last Supper, Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial, the sham trial, and crucifixion. Although Holy week reminds us of deep pain, it also helps us to better understand the deep love he showed for his people. By taking part in walking with Jesus through this momentous week of his life – we can better understand (and accept) his call to discipleship in our own lives.
To help you truly experience Holy Week, we invite you to join us in a series of special services:
Maundy Thursday, 6:00pm, where we will celebrate the Last Supper as Jesus did with his disciples, and look toward the events of Good Friday.
Good Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, we are hosting a prayer vigil, keeping watch with Jesus on his last day. You may sign up to come to the church to experience interactive prayer stations, or you may choose to pray at home. Our goal is to have an unbroken chain of prayers on this holy day.
Easter Sunday, we offer two worship services to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. At 7:00 am, a very special sunrise service, rejoicing with the women who arrived to find his tomb empty. Immediately following this service, we will share an Easter breakfast. At 10:30 am, our traditional Easter service, again rejoicing and joyful at the empty tomb.
We hope you will take part in these special services and experiences with us. They are a powerful way to connect with Jesus and to deepen your faith. I look forward to worshipping with you during this special week.