A Word of Welcome from our minister, Rev. Robin Robinson:
Welcome to Sunnyland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) ! I think it’s great that you found your way to our website, and hope that you are inspired to join us in person, if you haven’t already. I have recently begun ministry at Sunnyland Christian Church and can already see that this congregation is one that goes out of its way to make people feel at home.
SCC is a congregation also deeply committed to serving the people of Central Illinois, and around the world. If you’re looking for a casual church where you can be of service to those around you, we’d love to have you join in. Feel free to look around a bit at the website, read some newsletters, and then give us a try some Sunday morning. We worship each week at 10:30 AM. You are welcome to join us in the sanctuary, but also you can get a feel for our service by driving to the building and listening to a broadcast of our service on your car radio, 94.5 FM.
And of course, if you have pastoral needs, free to reach out to me directly at pastor@sunnylandchristianchurch.com
May God bless you and yours this day,