Washington Weekend Snackpac
A group of Washington churches including Sunnyland Christian Church have joined together in an effort to improve the lives of school children. The project is designed to provide a free sack of nonperishable food items to school children who may not have access to an adequate amount of food on the weekends. Their mission is to improve the lives of these children and their chance of success by supplementing their nutritional needs over the weekends throughout the school year.
Compassion International
In an effort to reach out into the world with the love of God, Sunnyland Christian Church is sponsoring a child through Compassion International. Ataa is 6 years old and lives in Ghana. With this sponsorship, Ataa will receive Bible teaching, educational assistance, life skills training, health education, guidance, counseling, and many other services.
Love Pantry
Sunnyland Christian Church has created a food pantry at the church to help meet the needs of people in the Washington area by providing assistance with food. If you are in need, please call the church during office hours and we will freely supply a box of food items to alleviate that need.
Other Program SCC Supports:
Adult/Teen Challenge
The Center for the Prevention of Abuse
Disciples Mission Fund
Emergency Love Fund (SCC)
Habitat for Humanity
IL Valley Cluster Council
Moms Who Care (Washington & East Peoria)
Neighborhood House/Common Place
Operation Snowball WCHS
Salvation Army
South Side Mission
Washington Ministerial Association Benevolence Fund